In this article, we will look at how to connect to a MongoDB database in Python using the pymongo library, which is a MongoDB driver for Python. We will also cover some basic operations such as inserting data, querying the database, and updating documents.


Before we begin, you will need to install the following:

Python 3: You can download and install Python from the official website ( Make sure to install the latest version of Python. MongoDB: You can download and install MongoDB from the official website ( You will also need to set up a MongoDB server and create a database. pymongo library: You can install this library using pip, the Python package manager. Open a terminal and run the following command:pip install pymongo

Connecting to the Database

To connect to the MongoDB database, we will need to import the pymongo library and create a client object. The client object will allow us to connect to the MongoDB server and perform operations on the database. Here is an example of how to create a client object:

This will create a client object that is connected to the MongoDB server running on the local machine at the default port (27017). The MongoClient() function takes a connection string as an argument, which specifies the hostname and port of the MongoDB server. Once you have created the client object, you can use it to access the databases and collections in the MongoDB server.

Inserting Data

To insert data into a collection in MongoDB, you can use the insert_one() or insert_many() method of the collection object. Here is an example of how to insert a single document into a collection:

This will insert a single document into the users collection with the name John Smith and email [email protected]. The inserted_id property of the result object contains the unique ID of the inserted document. You can also insert multiple documents at once using the insert_many() method. This method takes a list of documents as an argument. Here is an example of how to insert multiple documents:

This will insert two documents into the users collection with the names Jane Doe and Bob Smith and the respective email addresses. The inserted_ids property of the result object contains a list of the unique IDs of the inserted documents.

Querying the Database

To retrieve data from a collection in MongoDB, you can use the find() method of the collection object. This method returns a cursor object that can be iterated over to retrieve the documents that match the query. Here is an example of how to retrieve all documents from a collection:

This will retrieve all documents from the users collection and print them to the console. You can also specify a filter to retrieve only the documents that match the specified criteria. The filter is specified as a dictionary containing the field names and values to match. Here is an example of how to retrieve documents with a specific field value:

This will retrieve all documents from the users collection where the name field is equal to John Smith. You can also use comparison operators in the filter to specify more complex criteria. For example, to retrieve documents where the name field starts with the letter “J”, you can use the $regex operator:

Updating Documents

To update a document in a collection, you can use the update_one() or update_many() method of the collection object. Here is an example of how to update a single document:

This will update the email field of the first document that matches the filter {'name': 'John Smith'}. The modified_count property of the result object contains the number of documents that were modified. You can also update multiple documents at once using the update_many() method. This method takes a filter and an update document as arguments. Here is an example of how to update multiple documents:

This will update the email field of all documents in the users collection to [email protected]. Closing the Connection

Closing the Connection

Once you are done working with the database, it is a good idea to close the connection to release the resources. To close the connection, you can call the close() method of the client object. Here is an example of how to close the connection:

That’s it! You have now learned how to connect to a MongoDB database in Python, insert data, query the database, and update documents. With these skills, you should be able to start building applications that store and manipulate data using MongoDB.